links for 2011-05-21 bookmark X Facebook はてブ Pinterest LinkedIn コピー 2011.05.212022.12.31 TED Prize : Wishes Big Enough to Change the World TED Prize Winner Updates and Input (tags: 2011 tedxtokyo) LinkedIn IPO Through The Roof, Funders Rebuff Talk Of Bubble 一生懸命、プロモーションしてますもんねぇ・・・ (tags: 2011 linkedin sns ipo) Apple cloud music publisher talks said easy, ready for June | Electronista いよいよかな。Spotify Premiumの更新かこっちか。 (tags: 2011 music spotify apple) Twitter Loses Its Chief Technical Officer TwitterのCTOが変わるんですか。 (tags: 2011 twitter)