vanity 5:52 | Flickr – Photo Sharing!Diamond and I were in the February Gemini Issue of Grae Magazine!
Check it out on pages 78-79! Such an honor! graemagazine.com/?p=183I can tell I’ve looked at this image for too long because even normal things have begun to look weird to me haha. Well I’ve made the deadline for my once a week post, at least by my time here. It is still Sunday. I’m finally healthy, yeepee! To celebrate I drove out to the orchards to take this here little picture. I wish I had taken more time to do it but it was so cold that I only took about ten minutes. There was a lot of honking of passing vehicles but I was just glad I didn’t get in trouble for trespassing. I hope you are all well my friends.
P.S. I love oranges. =) -
愛媛県松山市を中心に活動するデザイナー高橋としゆき(Graphic Arts Unit)のプライベートサイト。オリジナルデザインのフリーフォントをダウンロードできます。
インターネット接続サービス「ぷらら」、「BUSINESSぷらら」 NTTドコモの次世代通信サービス「Xi」(クロッシィ)に対応
iTunes Cardが当たる!iPhone向け株アプリ・キャンペーン(2011年2月21日)/マネックス証券
RAW from here on out I guess
Sending out this bear hug to all, thank you so much for your support of my Churchill photos. All the comments, favs, and visits are appreciated so much!
Enjoy the weekend -
E se eu for, o primeiro a prever
e poder desistir, do que for dar errado?
Ahhh…{ deixo tudo assim }
hoje é niver de uma pessoinha que é muito querida ;; que ja fez parceria comigo aqui
mas ele fica sempre com a parte poética da coisa hehe, matheus – abraço apertado nocê!
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Mejor en GRANDE
業種別の検索エンジンシェア | 無料SEO対策のススメ
asahi.com(朝日新聞社):ドコモの夏モデル20機種、すべてSIMフリーに – 社会どちらにせよ、この外的変化はチャンス
世界中の旅行者が互いに自宅を宿泊場所として提供しあうサイト「Couch Surfing(カウチサーフィン)」が日本でも注目を集めている。既に1万人以上が登録し、ネットには体験談がたくさん書き込まれている。 …
Obama dines with Jobs, Zuckerberg, other tech honchos | Politics and Law – CNET NewsAt an evening affair in Silicon Valley, the president discusses jobs, education, and R&D with bigwigs including the CEOs of Apple, Facebook, Google, Netflix, and Cisco. Read this blog post by Lance Whitney on Politics and Law.
links for 2011-02-21
