アメリカの年収300万円の人が、日本の年収1500万円の人より豊かなのはナゼ? – 内藤忍の公式ブログ SHINOBY'S WORLD土地が希少な日本の環境と言う前提を抜きに得られる便益だけで比べるとこういう感想になるのもわからなくはない。そういう視点はおいとくとして、年収が低くてもリゾート気分で暮らせる点に日本との違和感を感じた記事なのかも知れないけど、リゾート地に行って、家や暮らしがリゾート仕様で驚いてるのはなんかナンセンス。年収5000万の人がマンハッタンの普通のアパートに住んで、フロリダにリゾートしにいく事を考えれば、東京で暮らしている人とそんなに違いを感じなかったりしますが。
価格(実際の価格+注文の手間にかかる「摩擦」)地理(消費者との距離)品揃え(私に合うサイズがあるか、稀少な商品はあるか?)サービス/ブランド(信用/好み)体験(商品Xを簡単に買えるか、そのようにデザインされているか) -
This is production footage I shot over the summer for my debut film, "TimeScapes," a modern portrait of the American Southwest. I used Canon and Red MX cameras.
Follow the production of the film at: twitter.com/timescapes
Also here: timescapes.org and here timescapes.org/blog
A huge thank you to my assistants/Associate Producers who helped me film this, Dustin Kukuk (twitter.com/drkanab), Nilo Recalde (twitter.com/nilomr) and Chris M (twitter.com/visceralway). And, as always, my most sincere and humble respect goes to Ron Fricke, Mark Magidson, Terrence Malick and Godfrey Reggio.
Thank you to my sponsors: Canon USA, Kessler Crane, camBLOCK, Vinten & KATA. Also to Cinevate.
Music is by the film's composer Nigel "John" Stanford: johnstanfordmusic.com Make sure to turn the volume and bass way up!
CG Shortfilm about Louis Kahn's Phillips Exeter Academy Library.
.Fullscreen it, please.
A FULL-CG animated piece that tries to illustrate architecture art across a photographic point of view where main subjects
are already-built spaces. Sometimes in an abstract way. Sometimes surreal.Credits:
|Modelling – Texturing – Illumination – Rendering| Alex Roman
|Postproduction & Editing| Alex Roman
Sequenced, Orchestrated & Mixed by Alex Roman (Sonar & EWQLSO Gold Pro XP)
Sound Design by Alex Roman
Based on original scores by:
.Michael Laurence Edward Nyman. (The Departure)
.Charles-Camille Saint-Saëns. (Le Carnaval des animaux)Directed by Alex Roman
Done with 3dsmax, Vray, AfterEffects and Premiere.
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